About me

I am Jean-Marie Caterina, owner of the Caterina MacLean Group, The Maine Real Estate Network , 75 John Roberts Road, South Portland, Maine . My office number is (207)774-4224 and my direct line is (207)318-3440.
Check us out at www.wesellmaine.com

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Buying a house and the cost of oil

It has been awhile as I have been very busy with my real estate business - a good thing. However, the perceived crush from oil prices seems to be having a choking effect on people's desires to move. This being said, I think that if I were looking for my first home, I would be anticipating that at least I can control my own fuel costs and not be at the whim of a landlord who will jack the rent to cover expenses, or, if I were paying my own heat, wouldn't be attempting to tighten up insulation, improving efficiency, etc. When one owns their own house, they are in control of their own destiny - and fuel costs - which in this market is a great thing!

Also, it looks like rates may be on the rise. If you are looking to buy, you might want to get out there now!

Happy hunting!