About me

I am Jean-Marie Caterina, owner of the Caterina MacLean Group, The Maine Real Estate Network , 75 John Roberts Road, South Portland, Maine . My office number is (207)774-4224 and my direct line is (207)318-3440.
Check us out at www.wesellmaine.com

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Recession is Good News

OK. I think we are in a recession. I am no economist, but I am a consumer and a small business owner. I think folks have taken their money and gone home. At the very least they are warily looking about for the great deal, the highest and best use for their hard earned dollars. This is the good news.

According to Ben Stein, "in a recession in this era, more than 10 million men and womenwill need cars and trucks. Many millions will need new homes. ....even in a recession, there are plenty of people with money to spend." (Rethinking the Recession, January 17, 2008, Yahoo Finance)

He goes on to write," Those who tend to their work, who get to the office or showroom or shop early, stay late, work hard, stay on the phones dialing for deals ....will make money. Those who stay sharp and make a point of befriending their clients will make money. Yes, some extra effort will be needed, but it'll pay off."

Stein reminds us that that there are always going to be recessions and they always end. The economy is adjusting to "move onto a new plateau."

Listen to Stein and "Stay hungry. Work harder. Dig deeper. Keep investing....You'll come out all right on the other side."

Get to it!!!

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