About me

I am Jean-Marie Caterina, owner of the Caterina MacLean Group, The Maine Real Estate Network , 75 John Roberts Road, South Portland, Maine . My office number is (207)774-4224 and my direct line is (207)318-3440.
Check us out at www.wesellmaine.com

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Gratitude is a Good Thing

With the arrival of another Thanksgiving holiday, it is important to remember to keep the "Thanks" in the holiday! Just as Christmas has become far removed from the celebration of Christ's birth, as a society we have lost the meaning of giving thanks, or recognizing the upside of life, as we rush frantically from task to task every day.

When one takes the time to slow down for even a few minutes every day and look at all that is right with their world, they will soon find that good things start to happen. Look at the sky, take in your surroundings, find something that makes you heart sing, even if only for a minute. Add this routine to your life every day, gradually expanding the minute to a few minutes then to an hour then........you are the only one who can limit the possibilities!!

So....go forth, eat your turkey, ....... and be thankful!!! Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So True Cat! :) LBN